A Name and a Mission for the Nonprofit
When I got serious about starting this nonprofit organization, I had it in my head that I had to come up with a name and a mission statement before I did anything else. This was much harder than you would think. I was so busy studying and learning about everything nonprofit and about psychosocial care, every creative morsel in my body was tapped (and I don’t have that many to begin with). So I asked a few friends to help me with this. The reason that this is so tricky is because when you like a name, you need to make sure that the acronym doesn’t spell something funky, as the web addict that I am, I wanted to make sure that the domain name was available (which turned out to be the biggest challenge) and it had to just feel right. In the end, we came up with a name that I love.
We struggled for a few days bit with the tag line but I challenged Vince and he stood up to the challenge and came up with a great suggestion.
When I felt like there was no going back, I immediately went out to the web and registered the domain name (more than 10 different versions so if people go to the wrong version they will get redirected to our site). In the process of registering the domains I needed some advice, I called upon a neighbor who I knew would know the answers. During this phone call, he offered to host my domains for free. You see, he owns WebGraFxx. What a great start, I am unemployed and I am clearly going to need donated services because starting a business, even a nonprofit one, is costly.
So here it is… it isn’t in a fancy marketing format yet (this is just my Microsoft Word version of the name).
You can also check out my current mission statement which is on my draft web page (also not the final product) as I am still trying to figure out how that will be designed and by whom, etc. But you can check it out at www.striving4more.org
On a personal note, as we get closer to Thanksgiving, it is a getting a bit sadder for us. Our family was split apart last year. Mackenna and I spent the day with the Speerschneiders (our next door neighbors and good friends) and Vince was with Colleen at the hospital. It was a very bad day for Vince and Colleen as she had a bad day of bleeding and they could not figure out why she was bleeding so badly. Everyone says that the firsts will be the hardest and now we realize that they are right. But it isn't just the firsts. It is the days and weeks leading up the firsts. Christmas is on our minds a lot. I am worried about how to make the it not so obvious that there are half as many gifts under the tree so it won't be so sad for Mackenna. I know the right thing is not to buy her more and besides I couldn't even if I thought it was the right thing. We need to just get through this, experience it.
Vince and I attend a grief group at UNC and the psychologist that leads it says that with each set of tears are memories that need to remembered and that we shouldn't try to not cry or prevent these times of grief. I guess I am just bummed because I thought I had gotten past the worst part and I was doing pretty well now. Now I realize that there are peaks and valleys and gigantic hills of grief that I must climb and I am pretty sure I am approaching one now as this holiday season is upon us.
In so many years past (during our early years in NC), we spent Thanksgiving alone as a family. We have even eaten Chinese food on Thanksgiving. The reason for this is because both Mackenna and Colleen were born in early December and my doctor told me not to travel. This year, my family is all up in New Jersey and although we were invited, we elected not to travel up North. Although I never had a problem with being alone as a family on Thanksgiving before, I was very sad at the thought this year. I think it was because having just the three of us here would have amplified the loss of Colleen even more. I am tremendously thankful that my very good friend Joelle invited us over to her house to share the day with them. Mackenna is looking forward to it as well as she enjoys spending time with Myers.
No matter what you are doing on Thanksgiving, I hope you have a blessed day.
Lend me a heart replete with thankfulness.
~William Shakespeare ~
I heard a beautiful story about a guy and his Mom, who he absolutely adored. He was one of three children. Through the years they often spoke of whether or not there was a Heaven, and they agreed that the first one to pass away would send a sign within twenty-four hours. They further agreed that it would be a red balloon.
In her later years she became ill and was cared for in her daughter's home. The son got that dreaded call one morning from his sister that there beloved Mom was gone, He immediately got to her bedside and held her still hand. Suddenly he realized that there was a reddish color peaking out from the top of the covers. He pulled the sheet down and was awed by a shirt that his Mother was wearing - it had a bouquet of red balloons on it. Although they made a pact never to tell anyone about their sign, he questioned his sister. She said just before Mom died, she (the daughter) decided to put this shirt on her, and she knew nothing of their arrangement.
There is no doubt in my mind that Colleen, rainbows, dolphins and the color pink are guiding you in this direction ~~~ and you are being blessed in so many ways towards this wonderful Calling!
Love, Mom
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