A New Board Member!

Yesterday was a very busy day but ended on a high note for me. I am sure everyone is busy this time of year. Trying to finish up last minute errands before Christmas is here. I have had 99% of my shopping done for quite some time now. I do most of it on the internet (using discount coupon codes and never paying for shipping of course). This is the way I have been doing it for years. Then I make one or two trips out to the discount stores or the mall and remind myself why I do it the other way. What a mad house these stores become. For the social being that I am, I don't like the crowds of people that are in the stores. I would rather be home with my family. I do, on the other hand, end up coming up with some last minute project that I decide that I have to complete before Christmas which requires some special products or ingredients that result in me visiting 4 or 5 stores. Why do I do this to myself? Because I am a gluten for punishment and even though I am an intelligent human being, I never seem to learn from my mistakes when it comes to things like this. And because, in the end, I truly enjoy the art of giving at Christmas, especially when I can come up with the perfect hand made gift that I know will truly move someone.

This craft search was how I ended my day. A check up with the doctor and lunch with a good friend is how I began my day. The most satisfying part of the day came in the afternoon when I was able to hear the magic words of "I would be honored to be on your board" from someone I really respect. I will announce every one's names when we are all officially incorporated but for now, suffice it say that the Director of Pastoral Care from a different hospital than what we already have represented on the board has accepted a board position on Striving for More. This is wonderful because it adds representation to the board for one of the important elements to Psychosocial Services, spiritual care.

I am so happy how everything is going. I truly feel like this project has been anointed by God and that He is helping every step of the way. At times things don't happen as quickly as I like and there are times that I do not have all of the knowledge that I need to take the next steps but acquiring the necessary knowledge is also making the journey much more interesting. I was not learning a whole lot at my past position and I was starting to get bored. I am finding this very exciting and I am trying to be patient. (However, I am not asking anyone to pray for patience for me... let me be perfectly clear about that.) I did that once in my life and it is not something I will likely pray for again. Those of you who have prayed for patience in the past are chuckling right now because you know most likely learned the hard lesson too. God helps you with patience by making you wait even longer for things.

I bumped into several friends from Baileywick Elementary School yesterday. It was so nice to see them. I am also having lunch next week with Mrs. Risinger who was Colleen and Mackenna's 3rd grade teacher and we all love her so much. I know some people from Baileywick know about this blog but I found that some had not even heard about it so I would appreciate it if those of you who know about it would pass the word. The Baileywick family was a big part of our lives, was an amazing support during Colleen's journey and remains in our hearts.


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