A Weekend of Trolling Twitter
I have spent a good part of my computer time this weekend on Twitter. I had no idea that there was a whole other world out there too! I had discovered Facebook sometime ago and quickly realized that it was a world of its own. I opened a twitter account because I read a non profit tech article that told me that I should but I did not really know why I was doing it and it remained pretty dormant until this weekend.
In fact, I thought that twitter was just another world like facebook but only with really small boxes for your status updates and for someone wordy like me, that is sheer hell. However, I discovered that it is actually a very powerful place. Where you can hook up with powerful people. In a short period of time, I Doug Ulman, the CEO of LiveStrong, Donald Jones from NBC17 News and lots of other people interested in cancer charities following me. This can only a good thing for a Childhood Cancer Charity that is trying to increase awareness of her cause!So, if you have a twitter account and don't know what to do with it (like I was) or don't have one at all, I would encourage you to check out this terrific article called "12 Reasons to Start Twittering" that found by Micheal Hyatt (@MichaelHyatt) for Twitter Newbies http://bit.ly/QkiiQ
You can even hook twitter and facebook up so you only have to update twitter and it will automatically update your status on facebook. Most people update their twitter accounts using text messages from their phones. That is why they are so short and why you see many of them while people are out and about. It is actually interesting to see what the stars are doing (yes, many celebrities are out there twittering away and actually sharing with the world what they are eating for breakfast (like we care).
When you get set up, please start following me...
http://twitter.com/striving4more (@striving4more)
The Striving for More board meeting is being held on Tuesday and I hope to have lots of exciting news to share afterward!
Tweet ya later!