Some Changes are Good

Today was a good day for me. We woke up to several inches of snow on the ground. The first significant snow in North Carolina for many years. It was also President Obama's Inauguration day.

Mackenna was getting ready to go out and play in the snow when I spoke to my friend Joelle on the phone who said she was also getting ready to go out in the snow. I started wondering why I wasn't going. I suppose, old habits die hard and I am just not accustomed to going. I had never gone before because I was afraid of falling down and hurting myself.

This may come as a surprise to those of you who have not know me for very long but in 2005, I weighed almost 400 pounds. So as you can see, I have been on more than one significant journey this decade. Obviously the one where I lost more than 225 pounds is good. The one where I lost my daughter is bad. However, I believe that all journeys make you stronger.

Today, I had to stop and realize that I am not an obese woman anymore. I bundled up, and went out into the snow with my family and I even went sledding down the neighborhood hill (screaming the entire way). Boy it was fun.

When I got home, I watched the end of the Inauguration speech and the Benediction which I really enjoyed.

Today was a good day. One that reminded me that some of the changes in my life are good.


Adesta January 22, 2009 at 2:32 PM  

Diane, so glad to hear that you were able to get out and enjoy the snow. I love doing that with my girls, although these days it's harder being 7 months pregnant! *smiles*

Love reading the happenings of your journey to create your non for profit organization. Keep up the great work. I know Colleen is happy and watching over all of you. {hugs}

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