It's Official ~ Striving for More is a Tax Exempt Non Profit
It's official. We have been declared a tax exempt organization by the IRS. Therefore, all donations to Striving for More are now tax deductible!
I can hardly believe it. The IRS quotes a minimum processing time of 60 days to issue 501(c)3 certificates. The IRS acknowledged receipt of our application on 2/23 and granted our tax exempt status on 3/19.
Vince and I took the day off on Monday to spend it together for his birthday. We arrived home after having lunch and seeing a movie. I was glancing through the mail and my eye caught sight of a letter from the IRS. Typically this would make people worried. Not me... it was addressed to Striving for More. I actually wasn't thinking that it was my acceptance. How could it be? I had carefully calculated it and the earliest that I would be granted non profit tax exemption status was 4/23 and that was being optimistic. If the IRS meant 60 business days, it would be longer than that. My attorney warned me that it could be 6-9 months, perhaps even a year before I heard.
For some reason, I took the extra seconds to find the letter opener, not wanting to tear what could be one of the most important envelopes I have ever been sent. I unfolded the letter and read it slowly. I couldn't believe it. I started screaming and jumping up and down (literally). I was hollering to Vince and Mackenna and jumping around the room. I haven't jumped around like that since I was about 10. I hugged Vince and screamed again. This time right into the poor man's ear. Mackenna picked up the letter and read it, not understanding what all the fuss was about. I explained it to her and told her that except for the day that I married her Dad and the days that I gave birth to her and Colleen, this was the happiest day of my life.
That night, while we were all at our grief group, I told the other family members about my day. Through tears, I told them that the event was even better because for a long time, I didn't think it was even possible for me to be happy again, without Colleen. Let alone to declare that March 23rd, the day that I was told that Striving for More is officially a tax exempt non profit organization, was one of the happiest days of my life.
It only took the IRS 14 business days to issue a tax exemption certificate to Striving for More, Inc. Another sign that this is the work that I am supposed to be doing. I am so thankful for the continued affirmation. Thank you God.